Friday, January 15, 2010


We made it to 68 degrees yesterday. John came home Monday with a scratchy throat. Sneezing, coughing, blowing. Sneezing, coughing, blowing. He laid about doing nothing on his two days off. Trying to fend it off. He wasn't too successful. So yesterday I went thru the house like a madwoman cleaning and disinfecting any and everything he had come in contact with. I even went so far as to put bleach in the Rainbow and vacuumed. I stripped the bed, washed everything. Washed his bath towels. We had a brand new house! Then he came home with his germie self and contaminated it again! ;) It's a bit on the chilly side this morning, but I've got the house open. For the first time since before Christmas. Run those germs out I say!

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